Midland, Texas Property Division Lawyer

Over time a married couple can accumulate a number of assets and property. Although most couples do not predict divorce in the future, assets fall under the category of belonging to both parties equally. Whether it is a house, vehicle or anything else obtained during the marriage are called community or marital assets. Texas is a community property state and the laws dictate that whoever earns the actual income to pay for assets such as a house or car, they are nonetheless equal property of both spouses.

Texas family code § 3.002 states that community property includes any salary or wage that was acquired during marriage, or most assets purchased while the couple remained married. Under Texas family code § 3.001, separate property is considered property that a spouse had prior to the marriage, they acquired during the duration of the marriage as a gift or by descent or it was from a recovery for a personal injury, aside from compensation for wage loss.

Gathering information such as value of property, purchase prices, dates of purchases and any other relevant information is important before contacting a lawyer. You have the right half of what you have helped accumulate during marriage; Kirk & Williams Law can help you get what rightfully belongs to you!

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